
Hydrogeological Services

Groundwater is a key component of the hydrologic cycle and the natural ecosystem. It quietly regulates the health of our environment while also supplying safe, clean drinking water for over 3 million people in Ontario. Our engineering and earth science backgrounds afford our team a practical perspective that considers the role of groundwater in our evolving communities.

Water Supply

Watermark Environmental offers a full range of services related to water supply and groundwater resource management for both public and private sector needs, including but not limited to:

Groundwater Exploration

Pumping Tests

Source Water Protection Studies

Water Quality Studies

Groundwater Under Direct Influence of Surface Water (GUDI) Studies

Characterization of Groundwater and Surface Water Interactions

Municipal Class Environmental Assessment for Water Supply

Development and Execution of Domestic Well Surveys

Well Efficiency Analyses

Permit to Take Water (PTTW) Applications

Regulatory Approvals and Consultation

Land Development

Watermark Environmental can help provide our clients with sustainable land development practices that will safeguard groundwater resources for today and tomorrow. Increases in population growth place development pressures on our communities that are constantly evolving. As our footprint continues to expand, it becomes increasingly more critical to ensure that communities, new and old, can remain sustainable from an environmental perspective throughout all stages of development.

Our services include:

Baseline Hydrogeological Investigations

Watershed Studies

Water Budgets/Water Balances

Phosphorus Balances

Construction Dewatering (see below)

Master Environmental Servicing Plans (MESPs)

Risk Management Plans for Wellhead Protection Areas (WHPA)

Low Impact Development (LID) Assessments

City of Toronto Discharge Permits

OMB Hearings

Construction Dewatering

Watermark Environmental assists our clients in navigating the various environmental approvals required to facilitate construction in a timely and cost-effective manner. Our unique experiences in this field leverages our ability to communicate with regualtory agencies and ensure environmental compliance for construction projects of all sizes.

To keep your projects on track and in good graces, we can provide technical excellence in the following areas:

Pumping Tests

Construction Monitoring

Discharge Plans

Development and Execution of Erosion and Sediment Control Plans

Environmental Permits and Approvals

Permit to Take Water (PTTW) Applications

Environmental Activity and Sector Registry (EASR) Applications

Interference Complaints